Ubuntu Editing Software

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If you are an application developer and perform all your coding on Ubuntu then this post can be very useful for you. Today we are going to have a look at best text editors or Integrated Development Environment (IDEs) that will take your programming experience to next level. IDEs and some modern text editors offer features like auto-complete, plugins and lots of other features that makes programming tasks easier.
  1. Ubuntu Photo Editing Software
  2. Ubuntu Editing Software
  3. Ubuntu Photo Editing Software
  4. Video Editing Software For Windows 10

So let's have a look at best text editors for Ubuntu.

1. Atom

DaVinci Resolve from Blackmagic is what professionals are using for editing movies and tv shows. DaVinci Resolve is not your regular video editor. It's a full-fledged editing tool that provides editing, color correction, and professional audio post-production in a single application. DaVinci Resolve is not open source. Blender comes with a built-in Video Editor, but it still may not be the easiest to master. The software is available in the default Ubuntu Software Center. Direct link to Blender download page if you want more options. All the great video-editing software we saw till now are all free and open-source. In this article we will show you 10 best sound editing software that you can install and run under Ubuntu 14.10 or older. You can also install them under Linux Mint 17.1 or older. Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:audacity-team/daily. Sudo apt-get update. Sudo apt-get install audacity. Jokosher Audio Editor. Best Photo Editing Tools in Ubuntu Software 1.PhotoGIMP. About: PhotoGIMP is the most complete Photo editing tool that has been mentioned on this list. About: Inkscape is an open-source vector based editing tool. The tool is very easy to use and with some.

Atom is a free and open-source text editor developed by GitHub. It is text editor with so many features of integrated development environment. It is one of the most modern text editors and has completely customizable user interface where you can install themes and customize styling.

Atom supports various programming languages including C, C++, C#, CoffeeScript, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Python, Perl and many other languages. Atom developer team call it a completely hackable text editor.

2. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a source code editor written C++ and Python with Python API. It is lightweight and simple editor favoured by many application developers. Its feature reach IDE has many basic features like auto-indentation, auto-completion, syntax highlighting, etc. and many advanced features like Minimap, Multiple Selection, Keyboard Shortcuts, Command Pallete, Split Editing and many more.

Sublime Text has very simple and lightweight user interface and it also supports many programming languages.

3. Vim

Vim or Vi Improved is advanced text editor with IDE like features. It can be used as a standalone application as well as command line interface. Even though it is simple text editor beginners might find it difficult to use initially but it is one of the most powerful code editors.

Vim offers many features like syntax highlighting, split screen, auto-completion and many other features of modern any IDEs.


KATE is a default text editor in Kubuntu which is a Linux distribution. KATE is very popular text editor among Kubuntu users. It is simple yet fast text editor and it works almost like any modern IDE. Kate supports large number of programming languages.

Some of the key features in KATE text editor include find and replace, bracket matching, plugins, etc. It also supports split window for multi-tasking. It also takes backup automatically at specific time intervals so that your work doesn't get lost in case of any unexpected problem.


GEANY is lightweight and simple text editor which is present in repositories of almost all the Linux distributions. This text editor uses GTK+ toolkit to offer excellent environment for programming. GEANY is almost like IDE with features like plugins, syntax highlighting, etc.

GEANY supports many of the most popular programming languages. It has very simple and easy to use interface with several customizing options according to developer's requirements.


GEDIT is a simple and user friendly text editor that comes pre-loaded on Ubuntu. It is very lightweight text editors with some IDE features. It supports various programming languages like Python, Java, XML, HTML, C++, etc.

GEDIT features include syntax highlighting and, simple and clean Graphical User Interface and many others. But in case of plugins you have download and install them manually.

7. Eclipse

Eclipse is open source text editor for Java developers. It is one of the most advanced and modern IDEs which is developed in Java. Primarily you can only perform programming in Java language but with the help of additional plugins you can also do it using almost all the major programming languages like COBOL, C, C++, PHP, JavaScript, FORTRAN, Python and many others.

Apart from its features reach IDE Eclipse comes with slick user interface which makes you feel comfortable even if you are new user.

8. Nano

Nano is an open-source text editor under GNU license. It is first developed using C programming language in 1999. It was basically developed for Unix computing system or similar operating systems using a command line interface. It is simple and lightweight text editor.

Nano features include search and replace, go to line and column number, auto-indentation, etc.

9. Brackets

Brackets is an open-source text editor developed by Adobe Systems. It is one of the most modern IDEs and has very impressive user interface. If you want additional features then you can get them by installing plugins.

Brackets offer many features that will make your programming task easier. Features include Inline Editing, Live Preview and additional plugins support.

10. Bluefish Editor

Bluefish is an open-source text editor developed by Bluefish Dev Team. It supports development in programming languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, C, C++, SQL, Java, Python and many other languages.

Bluefish is simple and lightweight text editors with many features of integrated development environment. Get apple app store. Syntax highlighting, auto-completion and auto-recovery are one of the many features in Bluefish editor.

So these are the 10 Best Text Editors for Ubuntu which you can user for application and website development. Don't forget to share your experience by sending a tweet @linuxhint.

Welcome to Ubuntufy! Here we'll try to identify 7 feature packed video editors for Ubuntu that are also user-favorites. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is a few months old now and I think it is safe to call it one of the best, most popular Ubuntu releases ever. This will be the first of many new posts here at Ubuntufy.com that will feature Ubuntu 18.04 'Bionic Beaver'. So stay subscribed.

UPDATE: This post has been updated and tested for Ubuntu 19.04 and Ubuntu 18.10.

I have tried to arrange the video editors in an ascending order of difficulty: Simpler, lighter, beginner-friendly ones on top, while a more professional, commercial, and non-free solutions towards the end. Let's get started.

Flowblade Movie Editor

Let's begin with Flowblade, a free and open-source video editor for Ubuntu that shot to fame for its simplicity and beginner-friendliness.

When compared to many popular choices, Flowblade doesn't have the steepest of learning curves. And it is available in the default 'Software Center' apps of most Linux distros including Ubuntu 18.04. But when we checked, we found out that Flowblade in Ubuntu 18.04 repos was older. So we'd recommend downloading the DEB file from Flowblade website. Direct download link below.

  • Download Flowblade 1.16 DEB package. Double click to install it.

Ubuntu Photo Editing Software

Shotcut Video Editor

Shotcut over the years have become a user-favorite. It's free, open-source and cross-platform. And like Flowblade, it's very beginner-friendly.

Also like Flowblade, Shotcut supports video, audio, and image formats via FFmpeg. Thankfully, Shotcut is available as a snap package making it easy to install the latest version of Shotcut for Ubuntu users.

snap install shotcut –classic

Ubuntu Editing Software

Simply copy-paste the command to Terminal if you're using Ubuntu (and enter your admin password when asked. More download options here.

OpenShot Video Editor

Things will get a little more complicated from here on. Though I've used OpenShot before, it has never been that stable to use for me. But the popularity of Openshot was evident from the fact that the project raised more than twice as much it pledged for in a crowdfunding campaign some years ago.

Ubuntu Photo Editing Software

Like the previous two, Openshot is free, opensource and cross-platform. OpenShot is available in default repositories of most distros, but if you want the latest stable release in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, you need to use a different repository. Add, update, and install from this repository by using the following 3 commands.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openshot.developers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openshot-qt

UPDATE: The PPA works on Ubuntu 19.04 'disco dingo' and Ubuntu 18.10 'cosmic cuttlefish' as well.

It works on Windows and Mac as well, more download options can be found here.

Video Editing Software For Windows 10

Kdenlive (KDE Non-Linear Video Editor)

If there is one video editor on Linux that is universally recommended, it has to be Kdenlive. It is perhaps the most feature-packed but short of professional-grade video editor software on Linux. It is also one of the oldest and most active opensource software projects.

Like many popular apps, Kdenlive has its share of haters too. Its UI can be intimidating for a beginner. Earlier versions I tried to use have had serious stability issues, but they claim to be way smoother in newer versions. But still, the learning curve involved can be pretty steep. To install Kdenlive in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, search for it in Software Center. Though the version is default repositories are slightly older, it should work. But you insist on having the latest stable release, you need to download the latest appimage from here.


Calling Blender a 'video editor' is perhaps the understatement of the year. Blender is a full fledged 3D graphics software toolset used for creating full-length animated movies (remember Big Buck Bunny, or Cosmos Laundromat?), visual effects, interactive 3D applications and even video games.

Blender comes with a built-in Video Editor, but it still may not be the easiest to master. The software is available in the default Ubuntu Software Center. Direct link to Blender download page if you want more options.

Ubuntu video editor

All the great video-editing software we saw till now are all free and open-source. Meaning, they are community driven projects with users directly contributing to their development. Now we'll move onto proprietary solutions. It made big waves when Lightworks announced its arrival on Linux platform. Few releases and updates later, Lightworks now ranks right up their with the best.

Having been used on many popular films such as The Wolf of Wall Street, LA Confidential, Pulp Fiction, Heat, The King's Speech etc., LIghtworks is probably the most advanced and widely-used commercial video editor available on Linux.

Though the basic package is free, a subscription-based PRO version is also available for professional users.

DaVinci Resolve

A commercial video editor that has been gaining a lot of traction lately, and more so among advanced users. But without a reasonably good graphics card, don't even think about installing it in your PC.

  • More download options for Blackmagicdesign's DaVinci Resolve.

So how do you like our collection? Tell us your favorites, or if we missed something that should've been there in the list. And don't forget to subscribe. We have so many great content lined up. Good day!


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